About Us
Our Mission
To promote the Italian culture, the traditions and heritage of Bagnoli del Trigno, Molise, through education, sports, fine arts, and social activities.
Our Vision
To maintain and develop strong relationships with Society members, community partners, and other organized groups and individuals outside the Italian community.
Our Commitment
Rooted in a deep dedication to preserving the cherished traditions and rich heritage of Bagnoli, we are unwavering in our mission to promote our culture. Through steadfast dedication, we honor the legacy of our town and ensure its traditions endure for generations to come.
Upcoming Events
Italian Day on the Drive
Sunday June 9th
Commercial Drive
Summer Picnic
Sunday July 14th
Confederation Park
La Festa Della Casacca
Saturday October 19th
Italian Cultural Centre: Banquet Hall
Christmas Event
Sunday December 15th
Italian Cultural Centre: Trattoria
2024 Sponsors
The Famiglia Bagnolese Society has been the glue that holds the Bagnolese culture and community together